
I love to make stuff and I’m constantly tinkering with multiple projects. Most of what I made and learn has been due to people openly sharing their insights and knowledge.

I have always though, “when I complete this project, I will document it and share it as well”. Problem is,  I’m constantly one step behind my own expectations, and I realised that I never be able to catch up.

So I decided to set up this blog to document processes, experimentations and dead ends in electronics, programming and crafts.

If you want to contact me, tweet me @RonaldXJT

2 thoughts on “About

    1. ronaldx Post author

      Hi, Don. Currently I’m working on a step-by-step tutorial. I have to do some work on the software to improve the initial setup.
      How far have you got? What are you using to control the servos? I recommend Adafruit’s PWM/Servo Driver as a breakup (http://www.adafruit.com/products/815) or as a shield (http://www.adafruit.com/products/1411). The PCA9685 is well supported by JohnnyFive.
      Have you Node.js and JohnnyFive working? Can you communicate with your Arduino from JohnnyFive?


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